A lot of scientists are using high performance computing systems to accomplish their research that will change the world. USC provides online documentation and educates them how to use HPC system more effectively. We opens tutorials to give information at ordinary times.

New User Information

New User Information page is intended to guide new users quickly to :

  • Learn about our high performance computing(HPC) resources.
  • Applying for account.
  • Get how to use HPC system for users’ research.
  • Know where to find out more information about our HPC resources.

Technical Support

USC provides technical support for researchers as follows. It offers Monday to Friday, 10AM ~ 5PM.

  • How to use HPC systems
  • Debugging
  • Job scheduler batch processing

Apply Account

Anybody who is member of UNIST(undergraduates, graduates, researchers, professor, and staff) can use high performance computing resources. But, it is severely restricted to scientific researches or educational activities. You have to get the permission from steering committee of UNIST Supercomputing Center if you need to use HPC resources besides research or education.

Account Application Form is downloadable HERE. Fill in the blank and send e-mail to Shin, Seokhun. usc-help@unist.ac.kr .


Documents are supplied to the HPC users. It’s about basic introduction to the HPC, how to access the systems, Linux OS, and programming methods.