USC has several commercial and open source packages installed on our HPC systems. We are trying to acquire useful computational software for supporting your researches, but our approaches to acquisition of software depends on its user interest, cost, and licensing restirictions.

Single User Interest

The license for this software is purchased by the user. USC staff will be happy to help install the package on appropriate HPC systems. In this case, the package will be installed in user home directory.

Group Interest

If a computational package is of interest to several group of users, and its licensing policy is allowed to share license among researchers, the best approach to purchase this package is arranging to split the procurement/licensing costs among groups. In this case, USC staff may assist in the procurement and billing of other groups as well as doing the installation.

Site Interest

USC will consider acquiring and supporting computational software packages that have broad interest among our users. It depends on the cost of the package and our ability to comply with any restrictive licensing conditions.